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Monday, March 8, 2010


I stood watching the black sky, the stars twinkling, with my hands in my pockets, the rest of my body receding into itself as tight as it could. The smell of winter was in the air and bitterly cold in my nostrils: Ice with the hint of wood and smoke. The slight wind swirled around me and I had a faint smile on my lips.

“You like this?” he said as he walked up behind me.

I turned and glanced at him a moment before turning back to the sky; he was even more tightly wound than I was.

“Yes.” I laughed. ”It's freezing cold and I absolutely love it.”

“Hmm” he replied gruffly coming up next to me.

He matched my gaze as a shooting star went past and then he nudged me with his shoulder nearly knocking me over.

I wobbled back nearly falling into him chuckling.


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