In order to fully use this site correctly, I would suggest using the links under the sidebar titled "Navigation." Within those links you will find links to all of my posts and they are organized by a category, then within that, each story or idea, then the order I intend them to be read in. So go check those out so that there is less of a chance for confusion! Thanks!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Don’t think
That I don’t know you
That I don’t
Understand you
Even though you never
Opened up to me.
And I do
Love you
I probably will
For several years still
Because it’s not
Something I can just turn off.
Even if
Who I loved
Wasn’t who you were
At the time.
Even so
I don’t like you
And I sure as hell
Don’t trust you.
It’s odd
But I get a little comfort
With reasonable
That you don’t like yourself either.
You may not admit it to yourself
Not yet
But I think
They day you realize it
Will be the day
That you wake up
In that hole
That you’re putting yourself in
With no way out.
You surround yourself
With all of these things
Heavy metal
Driving off cliffs
To weigh yourself down
Because you feel like
Nothing else will.
But that’s your mistake
It’s not things in life that hold us
To the ground and give us something to
It’s the people
We surround ourselves
It’s the love
They give.
But we have to be willing to take it.
Not only that,
We have to respect it
Return it
In kind.
Only if it’s real.
I think
That’s why
You’re afraid of me.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

That Thing. You Hate it Too.

<---Hold On...
I want to talk about
The wall
You all know
What I’m talking about
That little shit head
That doesn’t let your feel
The things your head knows
You want
And should feel.
It’s not emotion.
God, no.
The emotion is there.
The emotion is what’s driving you
To know what you should be feeling
But the wall
It makes everything
Slightly numb
You’re feeling it
Through bubble wrap
Pressing as hard as you can
Through the clay
The plaster
The stone
The steel
But never quite
Grasping it
Like you used to.
The sensation
Is tapping.
But you just can’t get the full effect.
It’s where I find myself
Holding my breath again
And I can’t seem to
Let the air out
To feel it.
I know I put it there
And anytime
He comes
And goes.
That they speak
And stay silent.
Take no value
In the love
I am shoving at them
Another layer
Goes up
More of a fortress
Around the castle.
And a moat.
I’m worried about
When the alligators show up.
I feel like it could come soon
And really
I say I’m worried
But I’m scared
I don’t want to do that
To myself
Or anyone else.
Can I apologize before hand?
I’m not handling all of this well.
I could blame them.
But I shouldn’t.
Not just because it’s right.
There’s just too much room
To –not blame myself,
But take note
In my own laziness
To do what I should
To be
And feel right.
It is
In ways
My own fault
And I know that.
I know my faults.
I accept them.
But changing them?
Not easy.
Course not.
It’s hard to have time.
Woohoo, number one
But in ways it’s true.
It’s not that I’ve done nothing
I’ve changed a lot.
I guess my point is
That I feel like it’s because of this wall
I don’t take anymore
I guess is the word.
I’m doing everything I can
Not to get hurt
But if the consequence is
Not feeling
At all…

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hold on...

There’s something I forgot
How it felt
The first time
I let him in.
Don’t be disgusting
I’m not being literal.
I previously spoke of
His many instances of hugging me right?
It was just that
He’d basically attack me
It’d start from about ten yards away
He’d run
And grab me
He was basically a bear
So there was no way
I could even try to escape
And I didn’t.
You know how people have
The fight or flight response?
I have the freeze.
Or ostrich.
I don’t move
And turn off all of my senses
This is what I did
With him
Every time he did that
Until one day
I told myself to just breathe
Because I was holding my breath
And when I did.
It was a warmth
That seeped straight through my skin
Giving my heart that tickle
That was enough
To recognize that there was
Something there
But not enough of a wake up call
Like the later kiss was.
That was the deciding moment
Breathing like that.
Feeling what he was trying to give me
And taking it.
It was that moment
That I got my first taste
Into what would become
My addiction.
I know that sounds
But there’s no other word for it.
For a sheltered
Little girl
He was as close to drugs
As I ever got.
And you know
It was probably worse too. 


Every time
Lately anyway
I get a good idea going
lots of good descriptions
but my hands aren’t doing anything
then something
interrupts that thought process
and the depression settles in
like luke warm water rushing
over your entire body
and now
I’m heavy
I can’t hold my head up
I can’t smile
I know what it is
When it is happening
But I can’t do anything about it
Except try to ignore it
So I can sleep
Going to sleep is a problem
And once that’s done
I can’t wake up.
It’s my most recent pattern
It’s actually really annoying
And if I don’t have some sort of task
At the very start of my day
Then I can’t
Seem to control
Or what I’m thinking.
I don’t know what day it is.
It’s…Tues—no it’s Wednesday.
That was annoyingly difficult.
I feel my forehead scrunching into my eyes
And it make them hurt
Along with my head.
So now
I’m writing this
Complaining really
Instead of doing what I wanted
And it’s something
I guess.
A few minutes ago
I was sitting on my closet floor.
I cleaned it the other day
So now there’s more room
And it’s not towering walls of stuff
Exploding over my feet
I can sit
And feel safe
I still feel so off
It’s like the levels
Of my being in there
I can cover myself
In my clothes
In my shoes
And blankets
But it doesn’t make anything better
It only distracts
For a little while
But it always comes back
Feeling inadequate.
So many reasons
To not feel good enough
Though I know
That those reasons
Were not deserved
I didn’t do anything wrong
I did everything I could
I loved with all I had
But I guess
It’s not enough.
God my head hurts now
Like it’s getting squeezed
At the back of my neck.
The pressure is trying to release from my ears
But something is clogging it.
I just want it to stop
I do.
I want to stop thinking of him
I’m done
I need to feel sure
That I am good enough
For someone else
That there’s a chance.
A glimmer that
Someone else
Could want me
Even a little
In the way that I need.
I want them to let me
Love them
Because I can
Maybe it’s too much
But I want to give it
So much.
I’m going to try and go to sleep
After one more
Pointless skim
Of the social networks.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Where was i?
You got the low-down
I know
I know
Super negative
But I think
You’ll understand
I loved him back
At the time
My use of the
It wasn’t that I
didn’t mean it
it was just
such a small
level of love
almost a pathetic
to begin
what it
lead to.
They all have
to start
even somewhere
This confession
More or less
Took place in
And the relationship
Stayed basically
The same
I did something
That really
I was going to say
Changed everything
Thinking about it
It didn’t/
It gave us that
A little shove
Taking us to the
Next level.
I know that sounds
And clichéd
But I can’t
Think of another way
To say it.
I probably will later
When it’s too late
But it doesn’t matter
As long as
You know what I mean.
I’m sure you’re still
wondering what I did.
Don’t worry
It’s not Degrassiesque
By any means
And I mean any.
God, it’s hard
To think about this
Right now
Pardon my hesitation.
It’s just a place
I don’t want to go
For danger of me
Getting stuck there.
It wasn’t scary at the time
It was easy
Too easy
Especially since I hadn’t
Meant to go there.
But I did.
Do I regret it?
And yes.
But only because of the end
Just because
It became that much harder
To think about it
The delicate
Of the memory
Has become tainted
As of late
But I can still
Get lost.
So I need to be careful.
I’m dragging this out
And avoiding
The inevitable.
I said I would talk
I have to.

I was scolding myself
For a moment.
I’m back now.
November 6th.
I had a doctor’s appointment
An hour and a half away.
I wasn’t sick.
I have type 1 diabetes
So I have appointments with a specialist
Every once in a while.
Point being.
I was at school for a short while
But had to leave for the rest of the day.
And wouldn’t be home
Until late.
I didn’t expect to see him beyond
First thing in the morning.
So as the bell rang
To go to class
I decided
With such a surety
And no fear
That I recall
That I was going to
Kiss his cheek.
I don’t know
Why I wanted to
There wasn’t any rational
The only forethought
Occurring seconds before.
He was talking to someone
Behind him
So he mostly had his back
To me
I got up on my toes—
Did I mention
That I was only
Five five
And he
Was six two?
I had to stretch.
I’d closed my eyes too
Because that’s only natural
And it’s what you do
But he must have
Seen me get close
Or something
Because he
And I
Kissed his mouth instead.
It was so fast
You can bet I was out of there
As fast as I could go
Without running
I don’t think I even said
But in that
Second and a half
I felt him kiss me back
And a small
In my chest
A spark had been put
Under it
It was awake
And it wanted more
That small
Bit of time
And thrilled me
Then made it hard to breathe.
I ran away
Not because
I was ashamed
I just wasn’t sure what
To do
Since I hadn’t meant
To do what I did.
What do you say to someone
After that?
“Kay thanks. See ya later.”?
But I got over that
And like I’d said
Wanted to do it again.
I planned to find him again
Just before I left.
I don’t remember if I did.


I think we need to paint
A little picture
Of who I was then
Which wasn’t much of anyone
Trust me.
I know some good friend
Will defend me and tell me how
Colorful I was
Maybe I was
But really
I was silent
A follower
And I had no problems with that
I was hiding from the world anyway
Behind my
Black sweater
And Pervasive
And sneakers
That’s how I looked
Every day
No one probably knew the color of my eyes
Because I never
And I mean
Looked at anyone.
I saw you
I knew who you were
But eye contact?
You couldn’t have paid me.
I never spoke up in class either
So I can easily say
That people knew
Who I was
But probably couldn’t tell you
My name
Or anything about me
 Because they didn’t know.
Nor did they care to
I could have cared less myself
I never thought of it that way
They just weren’t important
Compared to my friends
And to him
They were the only ones that needed
To know a thing
So my makeup
And clothes
Didn’t matter.
Probably the
Best part
My naivety.
It was really
 If it wasn’t otherwise
I believed every word
Every single one
That you said.
I should have known
I didn’t
know any better.
I should have
I couldn’t have.
I wouldn’t have
Wanted to
I should have