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Monday, March 8, 2010

To Walk

To walk, to wander aimlessly is just a simple pleasure, but why I do it is a bit more complicated than just pleasure.

I'm not so much wandering as I am searching and not knowing where I am or where to go. I am only part of a something, a someone. A big part really and I only knew one face, one voice, one hand that guided me. Suddenly I wasn't part of the rest of me. I was set in a dark place, pushed into pages where I laid cold and I didn't see that face anymore. I was able to watch the rest of me for a while, incompletely battle with the rest of the world, but one day the rest of me didn't come back. So now I've decided to find myself and here I am in the streets. No one can seem to hear or see me like I'm some spirit part of, but unconnected to this world. I don't know where to look, but I'm looking.


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