These posts will be random at best. They will be somewhat philosophical, but mainly my own thoughts on various subjects. They are not meant to be argumentative or to enforce an opinion on anyone. Just sharing how I feel about certain things. These will also be opportunities for readers to start discussions. Keep in mind, that I will not tolerate any rude, rash, crude, or in other words mean behavior. Your comment will more than likely be deleted if such things appear in it.
(Click on the link to go to post! Hover mouse over the title. I promise there is a link!)
Pounding Beat
In order to fully use this site correctly, I would suggest using the links under the sidebar titled "Navigation." Within those links you will find links to all of my posts and they are organized by a category, then within that, each story or idea, then the order I intend them to be read in. So go check those out so that there is less of a chance for confusion! Thanks!

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