If you've read my little 'About Me' on the right side of the main blog then you know that I have entitled myself as a dreamer.
In other words, you can call me a very exhausted, but lazy person. Reason being, I use my brain all the time probably excessively for my own pleasure, but it's not always intentional. See, the brain uses 20% of the body's energy on a daily basis and I exert that.
Passionblind. I know you recognize the two words that I have put together. I have a thing for words and how they flow and these flowed together, but there's more to it than it sounding elegant. The quote that I have placed in the header of my blog, "The sun itself sees not till heaven clears." by William Shakespeare in his 148th sonnet, can be interpreted in many ways obviously, but I have a favorite. The image, Sun, representing Reason, and Heaven meaning Love, Bliss, or Happiness. So Reason sees not until Love clears. With this in mind I learn or understand more about others everyday, mostly myself. We will always grow, always change even if the change is minuscule, and always learn more and more. A lot of the time this depends on what is in the way. These are all things that I hold true, mostly from experience and it truthfully influences much of what I do as well as inspiring my ideas.
I get ideas all of the time from the tiniest things: a song, a sunrise or winter breeze, an image, or even something as simple as a jacket. Usually what happens is that the particular item, whatever it is, catches my eye or sparks my interest and I describe it to myself, how it makes me feel, what feelings or things are associated with it, then an idea trickles in. "What if...?" Often times I have to stop myself from taking it much too far or from being to elaborate and destroying it for what it is.
Even if it doesn't make complete sense or isn't whole, it sifts around in my head for a few days until I can't take it anymore, I have to put it down.
So, in general, that's what I'm giving to you.
Originally, it was my intention and desire to become a novelist, but then I came to realize the horrendous task it would truly be to write a entire book, not to mention several books.
Also, if an idea is more an entire story than a blurb, once it has sifted a bit then it plays in my head as a trailer with music and a narrator, the whole bit.
Just recently I came to realize the epiphany in that thought process. I have stories I want to tell, but I don't just want to tell them, I want to see them. I want them tangible. I need the sounds, the colors the expressions and I want everyone else to experience them without question. So, I want to make movies.
Though I have never attempted to write a script, nor do I have much of an idea how to, I am going to give it a shot. What I do know though is that movie making, though a long process and potentionally stressful, looks like a lot of fun. People are generally fun unless you happen upon someone that is dreadful.
The point of explaining this to you is to give you an idea of what I will be posting and sharing with you.
Most are merely the beginnings of ideas and will, I promise, have errors, be choppy, or in other words, unappealing. Where you come in is to tell me whether or not it is a good idea and worth working on or if I should just drop the whole thing.
Also, my friends, I want to give you a glimps of my thoughts and feelings, my struggles and triumphs. This is, in my opinion, the strongest of my talents and the best way I express myself. Along with the easiest way to be who I want myself to be.
So, I am presenting this all to you in good faith.
Thank you and I hope this is beneficial to you in some way.
P.S. I will be posting everything chronologically, as in, when I wrote them or as close as my memory will allow to when I wrote them. ;) Also, if a post just immediately starts into a story or idea without an explanation, then there is more than likely an 'About' post. I highly suggest you read it first. Thanks!
In order to fully use this site correctly, I would suggest using the links under the sidebar titled "Navigation." Within those links you will find links to all of my posts and they are organized by a category, then within that, each story or idea, then the order I intend them to be read in. So go check those out so that there is less of a chance for confusion! Thanks!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
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Katie you are absolutely fantasmagorical I had no idea that this was how your magnificent brain works. Your adorable, and now that I've found it I can't wait to start reading your "blog" stories.
Thanks!! :D I hope you continue to enjoy it!
I'm so excited now...and with just one!!! :DDD
Thanks for sharing the inner workings of that beautiful mind of yours. - mom
Hey, I will read every weekend and comment ^_^
Sweet! :D
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