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Monday, March 8, 2010

Skull Armor Eternal Sword

This is one of my more recent ideas. The last part I JUST wrote. This was also my first idea that was clearest as a trailer. The one that inspired my epiphany. ;)
Time: Current.
 POV: Girl/ damsel (but she isn’t really ;))

 Medieval times. Wars. Warrior. Ultimate armor. Sword of eternal night. Magic. Armor is a tattoo of a skull with flames that covers the left shoulder almost reaching to the chest and back. Sword on the right forearm. When “activated” skin peels away almost like it were being burned for the armor. Armor covers all of body except right arm and right side of face. Is bone white with flames lightly blazing about the surface, burns any who touches. Sword tears out of the right arm. Is completely black with intricate handle. Undefeated.

Is “passed on” by those who know of it, though it is some form of a curse. Even though there is a great amount of power it is painful and there is a bit of a loss of humanity. Eventually becomes the passer. Angry, devilish. Looking nothing like they once did, but can under certain circumstances and only then are they kind like they once were. Carrier must be noble at heart, etc. knightly. It is passed by a certain tattoo with a certain ink (made of magical properties/elements) while a spell is being said. Is considered by some as a sort of black magic.


Guy and girl fall for each other, it begins but can’t go far due to careers etc. So they separate for a long time. Guy talks to the girl and says they are leaving the state or country (haven’t decided) and more than likely won’t see them again. It is sometime later when the girl is disturbed late at night by some “officials” busting down her door and telling her she is in danger, but can’t say much more before she is grabbed by a bunch of black smoke/ fog that pulls her through walls.

Next thing I thought of was the main guy is in a big room with the evil guy up on some higher part looking down on him with the girl off to the side being held by some minion. He is explaining it all to her, but she doesn’t really get it.

“This is why I left.”

The armor appears, but the sword doesn’t. That was never finished. He left. He went to them for some money and thought he was doing a completely different job. It wasn’t what he wanted. He left so that they wouldn’t try to use her and he just couldn’t be with her like that.

She’s nearly in tears after watching the armor emerge.

“Is that painful?”

Hesmiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “No. Not really.”

“Liar.” She whimpers.


He left.

Everyone has their different explinations of why, but it doesn’t matter. They don’t know. They weren’t there. He isn’t coming back.

He told me himself.

Then he left.

Leaving me behind...


Time is temperamental. It decided two years was finally enough before I could confidently move on. I didn’t just get over it either. I stepped up and took a firm grasp of that ladder that everyone was fighting over and by hell I was making my way up. I decided what I was going to do at the end of that second year and I was going for it.

One more year.

Since I walked out of my last class of the semester all I could think about was the next year. I had no plans that evening or for the summer for that matter and it was the only thing on my mind.

I was so excited, the adrenaline going through my system kept me from sleeping that night.

I was going to quit my part time job tomorrow. I wanted to do nothing except plan the next year so that I could be ready for the years after.

One year away from my bachelor’s degree in Anthropology. My plan was to devote all my time to my last year so that I’d be fresh to start my internship after that. Then we’d see if I needed to get my Master’s. It’d be nice for sure. Another boost under my belt, but why waste time when there was so much to find out there?

I paced my one bedroom apartment going over the past three years. I had to say, I’d done well. I moved out after the first year, and had upgraded after the second. My apartment was nice and clean, in a decent neighborhood and close to the school.

My job paid well enough and I didn’t waste my money on alcohol and keeping up with the latest fashions, but I wasn’t trashy. I knew I could look good when I wanted. The stares of the cute business intern down the street was proof enough of that.

I smiled to myself, finishing off my glass of water and setting it in the sink. Maybe I’ll grace him with a “Hello” tomorrow if I see him.

My thoughts were continuing this way when my front door came crashing down.


At least five men in black filled my living room and rushed toward me. I darted behind the counter and they stopped.

“Laura,” one spoke, I couldn’t see any of their faces. “You have to come with us. Now.” His words were slow and careful, like he was trying to persuade a child or an insane person.

I couldn’t speak, but there was no way I was just going with these men!

My hands carefully traced the handles of the drawers, trying to feel for the one I had the knives in. God! Why couldn’t I remember?!

“I know!” the one that spoke earlier yelled suddenly. My eyes snapped up and I saw the mouth piece as he seethed at it.

Then, he yanked the ear piece out of his ear and thrust it at me over the counter. I stepped back.

“Take it! There isn’t much time!”

I stared at it, trying to figure out my options. Something was telling me to just take it, but I couldn’t force my hand to move toward it.

It must have been several seconds before my arm began to lift toward the ear piece. I took and it was almost difficult to hold it in my ear with my hands shaking like they were, but I managed.

“Hello?” I asked.

Then I heard a ghost. “Laura.”

It felt like everything was falling on top of me, the world was closing in and then it began to disappear.

A strange black cloud surrounded me within a second, the last thing I saw was the shock on all of the men’s faces as everything blurred around me. Then I lost consciousness.


SlamaRama said...

duuuudde. super cool! what is trying to get her?!?!?! i can SO see this as a movie.

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