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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


 This is an idea for a piece that I had ages ago. I had been following asleep when this painful, intense, vivid, violent monologue ran through my head. It was wonderful, but by morning I forgot it and never addressed it. I finally got around to addressing it a week ago and here it stands.
Trapped frozen broken bleeding pain numbness dying nothing at all. All I can see is the look in his eyes just as the blade ran through me. It should have shown resolve, anger, peace, contentment, but the only thing there was pain. If he was full of regret then why did he leave me here to die? I am dying. That's all there is to it. It's foolish to use the last of my energy wondering why he did it. He did it. No questions. The hole in my chest is clear proof of that.

I hear voices. I can't tell where they're coming from, but I can't move so it doesn't matter. All that matters is that he betrayed me.