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Monday, March 8, 2010

The Kiss

This is a little tampered version of a memory. ;D It's severly changed really...only the basis of the start is really based on something real, with the exception of the emotions described. I tampered it so that I could put it in Michael and Nicole, right now I'm not sure if I did or not...o.o...but whatever! Enjoy it in itself!
I don't know what drove me at that moment, I could probably never say. I stood on my toes and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was his face turning slightly towards me. Then I kissed his cheek.

It was small, quick, and light. I began to walk away without a second thought, but something stopped me.

He had grabbed my arm and gently pulled me back to him. His eyes searched mine for a moment, questioning. I looked back at his confused, trying to read them as well.

I then found his hand on my cheek, his thumb tracing the bone under my eye, around the side of my face and stopping at the corner of my lips.

Slowly, he began to lean in, pulling me a little closer to him. His scent overpowered me as he hesitated centimeters from my mouth; hesitating as if he was unsure while I was frozen though hardly able to stand.

I knew in the sense of the word what was coming, but I didn't really know what I was in for. I wasn't prepared and had no idea what I was a mere millimeter from experiencing.

It was happening before I even realized it. Suddenly, my senses spiked. I felt his arm around my waist, his hand caressing my face, and other place where we barely touched. It all vanished soon after, or rather, gathered and concentrated where our lips met. Then it felt as though a power was being poured into me as if from his very being. It flowed down my mouth, filling me. It reached the top of my stomach and suddenly receded.

I couldn't breathe, numb from the sensation. I opened my eyes to find that he had stepped back taking the magic with him.

He had a dazed almost thoughtful look in his eyes. Then he smiled softly as if satisfied, brushing my cheek again with his thumb.

“Be good, 'kay.” he said.

“Okay.” I replied weakly.

It was hard to tell, but it seemed like he chuckled as he turned and walked away.


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