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Friday, March 5, 2010


Would have gone in the second book, but could have possibly been in the third now that I think about it. Fun segment.
The blades were unexpectedly comfortable in my hands. I looked at them curiously moving them in the light.

“Woah!” Michael called, taking hold of my wrists cautiously, then carefully pulling the swords from my hands.

“Don’t play with these okay.” He said. As he walked away I rolled my eyes at his use of child-like terms.

“Oh, please Michael. I’m not completely helpless.” I retorted.

He gently laid the blades down near a pile of other equipment and rose again slowly.

“I know,” he said turning to me, forcing his powerful eyes on me. “I just don’t want you to get hurt unnecessarily.”

I sighed, defeated.

“Yeah, well, don’t go easy on me.”

It seemed appropriate to say, but I wasn’t sure if I meant it. I had no idea what I could do. I’d never had to fight someone before.

Still, I was going to try my best if only for his sake.

Michael looked at me solemnly for a moment.

“I can’t afford to.” His voice was almost sad as if regretting what he was about to do.

“Now gear-up.” He then said, tossing me various pads and guards.

I was covered with something on all my limbs. My head and torso remained exposed due to the temperature.

Michael wasn’t wearing any protection and neither was anyone else. I figured that they weren’t planning on being defensive at all today.

Jason had a suspicious grin on his face and Jack was looking grim and bored as always taking a cigarette out of his mouth and putting it against the tree he was leaning on. Everyone else either looked bored or slightly amused while the wolves sat in the shade nearby.

I then realized that even though they were unprotected they still each had a firearm of one sort or another.

I looked to Michael in wonder and found him to the side his eyes dazed and distant.

I watched him sadly wondering what kind of conversation him and Donte were having. He then quickly walked toward me and held my chin with his thumb and forefinger, kissing my forehead.

“See you later love.” He said without looking at me.

I was confused, but then understood as he suddenly backed away.

I heard some of the others walk up behind me and a moment later Donte stood before us with a menacing look in his terrifying eyes.

“Let us begin.” He purred.

After a moment there was no longer any one behind me. I was surprised and completely oblivious as to what was going on, but I tried not to look it, especially with Donte standing in front of me watching my every move.


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