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Friday, March 5, 2010


This is a segment that I wrote for what would have been the second book of my first version.
In a matter of seconds I had her up against the wall with my knife at her throat. My breath was seething through my clenched teeth.

"Nicole…don’t." Michael said calmly, as if he were talking to someone who had lost their mind, and I wasn’t afraid to admit that I probably had.

I didn’t look at him; I kept my eyes on hers, taking pride in the clear fear behind them.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn’t slit her throat." I replied with venom.

There was silence and her eyes looked to him pleadingly.

I was unmoved.

"I love her."

I felt my face fall; the sound of my own heart stopping was in my head as if a sword had been shoved through it. I didn’t breathe. All I saw was my hand slowly pull the knife from her neck and it falling to the floor. She stayed pinned against the wall panting. I backed away a few steps and then it was all a blur.

I was running to nowhere in particular, just running away from the world that was falling down around me. I didn’t know when I had changed; I was just suddenly on all fours, tail flopping behind me. 


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