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Friday, March 5, 2010


For the third book, I had this strange idea of Michael and Nicole being forced to have a child...Yeah I know it was really weird, but I liked it at the time. I was still very influenced by anime. Need I say more? I know it cuts off strangely, but I never finished it and more than likely never will. This idea was just too odd.
I had dozed off in my worry, and I woke up with the same exact thing on my mind, with the same solution. There was nothing else we could do. This was it. But could I get him to do it? I heard him breathing quietly next to me. I was sure he was asleep, but how long had it been since he closed his eyes? The clock on the nightstand told me that it was three in the morning. He was supposed to have been asleep for an hour already. 

The air smelled fresh, the night seemed perfect. I was suddenly overcome with excitement. My vision sharpened.

No, not that way. My eyes cleared as I breathed slowly.

Now, I just had to keep a strong head for another hour. I couldn’t let anything change my mind while he slept. That physical feeling had to stay.

I moved closer to Michael, put my arm over his side, running my hand slowly up his bare chest. He continued to sleep under my touch and I was encouraged further still. I pressed myself against him, as if I was hugging him from behind, and inhaled the sweet sent of his skin. I closed my eyes and the creature purred inside me.

Michael stirred. I backed away from him quickly. Now what? Could I do it?

He turned over and looked at me with a curious look in his eyes.

He was awake. It was now or never. I had to be strong. I was the only one that could be right now.

"Michael—" I began.

His finger was on my lips before I could say anything else. He moved his finger until his hand was holding the side of my face. He watched me closely as his eyes softened.

"I already know what you were going to say."

I was stunned, dumbfounded, and speechless.

He continued, "You were talking in your sleep." His voice was kind and not accusing.

I only talked in my sleep when I was extremely worried by something. Had this bothered me so much it taunted me in my sleep?

I waited for his rejection, his argument of how foolish it was and I knew I would become angry with him when he did.

"And I agree."

He moved then as I continued to be frozen, stunned by his decision. It was a choice we now had both made.

He was gentle and slow as he pulled me towards him by the middle of my back. We were now close enough for me to feel the heat radiating from his body, but still far enough to see our eyes and expressions clearly. His eyes were searching and somber, waiting for some sort of reaction on my part.

Before I realized what I was doing, I found under him, kissing him in a way that I would have never dared to do for fear of losing control. I closed my eyes and let my humanity take over.

Birds sang a joyful song and the cool morning breeze wafted through the open window. I was staring at the bed canopy with a blank expression. Michael breathed deeply beside me. I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t. At least not now. I couldn’t rest any longer either, for fear of seeing something of the night before.

I rolled out of the covers and landed lightly on the floor without a sound.


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