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Saturday, March 6, 2010


In odd, or intense moods I tend to write the easiest, the purest, the most detailed, and the darkest. It was in one of these moods that this come out.(Playlist at the bottom of the page)
No one can see like I can. And it is not a sight that can be learned or taught. It is a solitary, unexplainable gift that, as far as I know, I alone have; what separates me from the temptations of this world that change humans to demons so easily. Human beings are clearly out numbered in this day and age, if there are even any left not tainted. A newborn is clean and clear in most cases, but it doesn't take long for the darkness to reach them. So, why am I different? Why am I the sole perfect one left? Well, I'm not so sure that I am. I feel rage and jealousy, sadness and pain, desire and selfishness. I can just see what others can't. Perhaps the true right and wrong. Or maybe what someone has become; who they are and why. I could be meant to change something on this earth or simply one person. Maybe my purpose is to save one person from this seemingly inevitable fate, remove the demon, clean the soul. So that they'd have a chance to turn the world around.


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