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Saturday, March 6, 2010


Another mood piece. Mostly anger and frustration, but it sparked another possible story.
It's how I deal...
It was also the first one that I ever saw as being a possible movie. My attempt at the tiniest bit of a script will be added at the bottom.
True love? No, that doesn't exist in this world. Just like young men with inner demons don't wisk you away from your spiritually abusive parents. They couldn't possibly exist because that's not reality. Fiction's purpose is to pull away from reality. Anything can happen and the author has the power to change anything. Why can't we change reality? There are no heros. No good vs evil, only evil. The middle man never wins. Youth have no power, no voice. Only the cries and screams of a broken heart that no one hears.

Real love can't exist in the human world. Everything has to fight against it; destroy it if it doesn't destroy itself. The slightest doubt and it's gone. The very definition of who you are is gone. I strictly remember how it felt. No other pain can compare. Nothing can repair it: the betrayal. I don't think any one will ever get it right.

When you lose who you are everything becomes meaningless. You can work for years putting everything you can into writing a book with a message or at least a hope that your words will help someone else, but when its finished and it's just like the other book next to it on the shelf, what was the point? No one really wants to listen to what you have to say.

There's nothing left on this earth that is truly important when love can be destroyed. It is, by definition, unconditional, but there are always exceptions. Without that everything is empty.

What is there left to live for? What are we living for anyway? To join some God when we die and achieve greater happiness and perfection? For all we know it could be all a lie, our memories erased of our sentence. Banished to this earth to meet evil's destruction at the end.

Everyone has a mask, a reason to sit and stare at nothing, depressed and weak, unable to see past their lost purpose. When they are no longer alone they smile, deceiving everyone. I can see the beneficial side to this: Spare others the pain and sorrow. But at the same time isn't it just lying about how you're truly feeling?

When no one knows your pain, who you are, how can you be saved?

There are too many questions and no where near enough answers.

All I can do is fall to my knees and cry, “I don't know, I don't know.”
(Black screen)

Narrator(main girl): True love?

Flash black and white or grayscale scene of couple kissing. It is the narrator, but it doesn't last long enough for anyone to tell.

Narrator:No, that doesn't exist in this world.

Sunrise, sky, town or city scanning...opening music and title.

Just like young men with inner demons...


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