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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hold on...

There’s something I forgot
How it felt
The first time
I let him in.
Don’t be disgusting
I’m not being literal.
I previously spoke of
His many instances of hugging me right?
It was just that
He’d basically attack me
It’d start from about ten yards away
He’d run
And grab me
He was basically a bear
So there was no way
I could even try to escape
And I didn’t.
You know how people have
The fight or flight response?
I have the freeze.
Or ostrich.
I don’t move
And turn off all of my senses
This is what I did
With him
Every time he did that
Until one day
I told myself to just breathe
Because I was holding my breath
And when I did.
It was a warmth
That seeped straight through my skin
Giving my heart that tickle
That was enough
To recognize that there was
Something there
But not enough of a wake up call
Like the later kiss was.
That was the deciding moment
Breathing like that.
Feeling what he was trying to give me
And taking it.
It was that moment
That I got my first taste
Into what would become
My addiction.
I know that sounds
But there’s no other word for it.
For a sheltered
Little girl
He was as close to drugs
As I ever got.
And you know
It was probably worse too. 


SlamaRama said...

Wow. I think this is your best one. I really do. That ending was really powerful. <3

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