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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 This immediately follows Sight-Hell Hole. If you haven't read it first or the posts before it DO SO SILLY! :) Playlist
I pulled my arm away from the stranger and he stared at me now in horror. I couldn't look away as the Temperos shifted around him as he breathed deeply.

GO! NOW! The voice said again, and I broke from the trance, shoving through the crowd and out the door as fast as I could.

I got out the door and close to my car when I suddenly went light headed. Had I just been Seeing?

I almost fell to my knees when I was caught.


"Frank?!" I panted.

"You okay?" he sounded panicked.

"Yeah," I began to gain my footing and the air started to thicken again. "I'm just trying to get to my car. Lost my balance."

"No." Frank shook his head. "You aren't well. I'm taking you home."

"Frank, no-" I began, but he interrupted.

"I promised, Anna."

I shut up.

I still felt slightly panicked in the taxi as Frank drove me home. Had that man known my mother?


"Yes Chickidie?" He sang from the front.

"Did mom used to go there?" I looked out the window, not brave enough to watch his face.

He sighed. "Yes." His voice was solemn. "She worked there for a while. I'd take her home."

"I see."

Anna ran past me, having listened to my warning and then Lucifer's eyes turned on me. He went by Nick now, but to me that would be his name, and his alone. He said nothing as he began to shake with fury. The whites of his eyes turned black around his blue irises and he flew at me before I could even blink.

His hands wrapped around my neck and he threw me on my back into the floor. If I'd had a body, it would have broken.

"YOU." He seethed.

"Gaelic." I choked out, smiling despite my situation. I loved pushing his buttons. Well anyone's really, but he was the most fun.

"I SENT YOU TO CHECK ON AMY!" his grip tightened around my neck and it burned. "AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO THINK THAT HER BEING KNOCKED UP WAS IMPORTANT??!!"

"Wasn't-part of-the job description." I answered. 


"Does she?" my chuckle was muffled. "Poor thing."

 Lucifer roared and lifted me by my neck throwing me toward the door. "YOU EITHER FIND HER AND BRING HER BACK ALONG WITH HER MOTHER, OR I BETTER NOT SEE YOU AGAIN!"

I coughed and found my breath saluting his highness. "Yes sir." I called back.

I started to walk out the door through most of the humans that were making a fuss.

"Oh by the way!" I called and he turned back to me still fuming. "Amy's dead! She's been dead for a gooood while now!"

Then I ran out the door. Just in time too, a moment later, a table crashed through the window. 


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