He’s kind of a jack ass, but you got that whole soul mates thing going on, you know? The loveyousooomuchcan’tlivewithoutyouwillDIEifIneverseeyouagainyourvoiceislikeheaven’sangelsknowwhenyou’retwentyyardsaway kind of thing. *GAG* Like a major dose of serotonin straight to the brain…that you become totally addicted to…. *sigh* But still, all you want or need is to shoot up on a whole bunch of handsbrushinglipstouchingeyessmolderinglaughterheart-warmingelectrifyingstomachticklingsmellintoxicatingTHEM. ME + YOU=FOREVER *rolls eyes*Then there’s that whole he’s two thousand miles away and engaged to another girl issue….*taps foot* Don’t worry, he still lovesyoumorethananything…
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Monday, December 20, 2010
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