This is the VERY FIRST thing I'd ever written that was so extensive. This is what started it all. My sophmore year of highschool was very trying for me. It changed a lot of things in my life and one of those things was how my imagination worked.
Most of the time, my imagination was used in amusing myself with creating fan fictions, which I mostly stored in my head. It was at the highest point of my trials that this began to form. It was a release, a salvation, and one day I just began to write it down. A few friends liked it and the more I thought about it, the more I did to. So, it ran its way from me from then on.
I haven't worked on it for a long since it, in a way, ran its course and got out of hand. I tried to hard and in a way destroyed it. But, don't worry. There is potential to pick it up again and fix it being consistent with the original idea.
The main character, Nicole, is in a lot of ways based on myself as are many of my main female characters. Though, I am not the only thing that is part of my writing, several people and events in my real life or just in the world influence characters, mostly the important ones. So, the moral of that is: Be careful, you might end up in my story. (XD)
The first part that you read is not the scene that started it all. What is the first thing though is what I call the "Rain scene." I have a lot of rain scenes throughout all of my material (I do love the rain), but I'm sure you'll be able to recognize what I am talking about when you get to it. ;)
It is needless for me to remind you that this was written several years ago, so it will have mistakes and quality-wise, will not be very good. Well, looks like I mentioned it anyway.
Take a sky-dive through the clouds and enter Nicole's world.
In order to fully use this site correctly, I would suggest using the links under the sidebar titled "Navigation." Within those links you will find links to all of my posts and they are organized by a category, then within that, each story or idea, then the order I intend them to be read in. So go check those out so that there is less of a chance for confusion! Thanks!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
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