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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things I Like

Don't ask me why I felt suddenly like doing a post of this sort...but I am so :P to you. 

I like dogs. Particularly any with an expressive face or kind demeanor.
I like birds. Lovebirds and Parakeets are my favorite, but I have a tender place or keen interest for most. I have a strange infatuation with crows, ravens, hawks and falcons as well.
I like cats. Nothing specific. Some are just fun. :P
I like blue butterflies. This one type (picture), but I can't seem to find a consistant name. :/
On that note. I like most things blue. Blue eyes, cars, the sky... 
Camaro's are my secret lovers. Of the 70's variety. I'm currently working on a '78. ;) (Yeah, I do that too!) I also have a love for Corvettes, Mustangs, Firebirds, and a '67 Impala. 
I like trees, vines, fields, the ocean, roses, forests, plains, and rain clouds. 
I like small towns and old architecture, especially the type you'll find in Gothic Europe. 
I like videogames. RPG's. Most just kill as much as you can games I get bored with quickly. Some of the ones you'll find me on are Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Assassin's Creed, .hack//G.U., Zelda, Guitar Hero and Rockband. ('CUZ I'M A FREEEEEEBIRD!!) 
I like angels and demons; expecially art and sculpture that depict them.
I like piano and acoustic guitar music. Along with rock, classic rock, metal, alternative, some punk, very little country, and even littler(heehee) pop. A few select hip hop, but absolutely no rap.
I like contemporary dance...well most kinds of dance. :) 
I like lions, tigers and PANDA BEARS! (Surprised you just a little, eh?)
I like Anime/Manga. Or Anime that was originally good Manga and that stuck with the intended story. For example: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, some Bleach, D.N. Angel MANGA (Anime was like death.), Yu-Gi-Oh! (The original and paying attention to the background story, not the card games. Replace the cards with swords or guns and we have an AMAZING hit.) 
I like modeling and all of the crazy clothes, costumes and makeup that go with it. :) If I could for fun I would model (or try to). Love America's Next Top Model. Tyra is AWESOME. Love photography and films and most art. 
I like shopping. Clothes that are somewhat dramatic, well, mostly elegant or "rockereske" that are flattering and high heeled boots. 
I like theater and musicals. 
I like smiley faces and laughter. 
I like babies and old couples. New couples are nice too, though tend to either make me envious or gagilicious. 
AND HOLY CRAP I LOVE PUPPIES! I like...die...whenever I see one. 
I like tender moments and clever hilarity from unexpected authority figures like teachers or actors during a serious interview. 
I like dramatic TV shows. Supernatural, White Collar, Nikita, Bones, Covert Affairs. The only one I don't watch closely would be Bones. 
I like Disney! :D It's just one of those happy things. Favorites are: Beauty and the Beast, Tangled, The Lion King, Atlantis and Treasure Planet. 
I like psychology. The workings of the mind thoroughly intrigue me and I love understanding it. 
I like weddings. I've already repeatedly searched for a wedding dress for me. 
I like food. (Who doesn't?) 
I like green nature, even the weed overgrowth in my backyard.
I like simple fun, ridiculous tangents, making silly noises for no reason and talking in dinosaur. 
I like rain and water on hot pavement.
I like silence, peace, the solitude of a sunrise and the smell of fresh morning dew especially after spending the night on the phone with someone special.

I suppose I could go on, but this is getting painfully extensive and veering to another tangent. Hopefully this didn't bother you and maybe you got more of a glimpse or understanding of who I am. :) 
Talk to y'all later!


SlamaRama said...

talking in dinosaur!!!!!! RAWR!

i love that like eighty percent of these likes were about nature or animals =P

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