In order to fully use this site correctly, I would suggest using the links under the sidebar titled "Navigation." Within those links you will find links to all of my posts and they are organized by a category, then within that, each story or idea, then the order I intend them to be read in. So go check those out so that there is less of a chance for confusion! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


For The Devil Has Blue Eyes...something I think you'll enjoy.
There are posts that come before this! You will find them here. Start with the link "The Devil Has Blue Eyes" The ones indicated to be included with it are in chronological order of how they fit together, so it is best that you read them in that way! Have at it! You will also find a Playlist for this story in the first post.
"The best life is in death." He whispered. 

"Which death would that be?" 

He grinned. I wasn't sure if he was annoyed or impressed. He could have just been amused. 

With inhuman speed he grabbed my wrist and inhaled its scent with a hiss. 

"I really..." his teeth pricked at the skin between him and my veins "hate you." 

His eyes burned at me and I held my breath. 