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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stop and Smell the Roses...Oh Wait...Are Those Bees in My Nose?

I'm just going to warn you now of a lack of class that's about to take place. If this could possible offend you, I suggest you don't read. If you find this amusing, we must fist bump immediately. 
Can we take a minute and talk about kindness? 

I would just...really like that. 

Oh, and in that kindness there must reside a maturity, which you clearly seem to lack. 

You, in all your shallow and judgmental glory, are not kind. Are not a friend. 

Friends, don't use each other. Friends, don't make each other uncomfortable for some strange sense of pride or vengeance.

So while you go and stuff yourself full of charitable bullshit, I hope you realize the loneliness you'll one day face. 

You will push them all away. They will know what it was like being in your seething shadow. And though I would love to do everything in my power to prevent this, it seems to be on a way street to that dump. And I will be there to take them out again. You'll be left with your cruelty and no one to subject to it but yourself.

How's that for food for thought?

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